Author: Simon Boylan

  • How to win 95% of arguments

    How to win 95% of arguments

    Have you ever sat back and noticed the ultimate futility of most arguments you have?  Do you know people who must always be right, no matter what the topic?   It’s an easy habit to form, feeding the voracious egos need for self-validation. 

  • How to get in the ‘flow’ doing any task

    How to get in the ‘flow’ doing any task

    Breathe slowly… Breathe deeply… Allow your body to relax… Allow the thought of your task to come into your mind…Are there any uncomfortable feelings associated with the thought of this task?

  • Qigong for health and longevity

    Qigong for health and longevity

    The traditional Chinese meditative exercises of Qigong have been used throughout history in the pursuit of a healthy, long life.  To achieve this goal, thousands of different exercises have been derived that have been practiced by millions of people for thousands of years.  Many of these practices vary with the exercises involved and the eventual…

  • The Art and Science of Qigong

    The Art and Science of Qigong

    Chinese civilization has been responsible for discoveries that have influenced the wider world for centuries.  However, one of the most profound products of Chinese thought is yet to penetrate the modern world.  It is the art and science of Qigong.